Thursday, March 14, 2013


Today the plan is to do the same image of Antonio as yesterday but on a newsprint prepared canvas as background.  I have an idea of pink as my light colour and need to find what works with pink for a dark and mid tone.  As ever google comes to my aid as I type in 'colour combinations' and find a site that allows me to look at combinations that work in diad, triad and any 'ad you want.  So pink with a green as mid tone and brown as the dark tone is my choice.   Coffee at Balesta after the breathtaking drive in to Benidoleig.

First shift of the day is the newspaper canvas is not ready.  Oil on paper will absorb and give unpredictable results.  So first task is to prime this surface with varnish which will not dry until tomorrow.  So I take my canvas primed in black gloss and get my mind round painting on this.  The shift idea I have is to take the same shapes and tones from the Antonio deconstructed face and using the same colours switch the lights and darks.  So yellow for dark tone and blue for light tone.  Chalk gridding and outline and set out the picture ready for action.

Meanwhile Karen is working on her Spanish scene.  On the way in she talks admiringly of the sky she has done and that no matter what Julia says she is going to insist they don't varnish over it.

Karen and Julia applying varnish to the sky under the watchful eye of Mary.  Does look good and Karen is happy.  She creates some fantastic effects creating an amazing tree and a multi textured landscape.

By lunch time I have my shifted reverse tone image first version ready.  Ominously Julia says we need a long chat after lunch.....but lets go eat first.

Lunch at Bar Ballesta is Patatas Bravas with spicy sauce, Patatas Fritas and various Bocadillo.

The long chat starts with 'so why doesn't this one work as well as the first version'.  Karen's distraction by the red high heel shoe in the right cheek is not the answer.  It is all about the relationship of the shapes to each other.   They don't quite work in the way they did yesterday.  Also there is a dissonance with the tonal colours the wrong way round.  The afternoon task is to make something of the picture.  Don't think, just feel is the instruction.  Bring in a range of tones and see what evolves.  I put the brushes away and play with the paint with my finger, blur some edges, bring in some white to blend with the colour on the canvas and move things around.  Very enjoyable and learnt lots as I followed my feelings.

Karen continued working her masterpiece to great effect and is creating a fabulous piece of work.

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